Sunday, September 13, 2015

You're Beautiful!

So I want to talk about something that is really near and dear to me. Something that isn't an easy subject to talk about in our society. However, I feel like it needs to be touched on.

Let me start out by saying, that I am a naturally thin girl and I always have been. However, a lot of people think that having my body type is so easy. Honestly though, it's not as easy as everyone makes it out to be. Believe it or not, there are hurtful things you can say to a skinny person. Just like people who struggle with being heavy, skinny people also have a rough time keeping it together. 

Just because someone is thin does not, by any means, mean that they are healthy and fit. I am probably the most unhealthy eater ever. Not to mention the fact that I can't make it up a flight of stairs without becoming dizzy and winded. I've always been told to "eat a cheeseburger" and that I wouldn't be so cold all the time if I would "just gain some weight." After a while it gets old. It's not acceptable for me to tell someone that's heavy to "go eat a salad," but it's acceptable for everyone else to have a free range at thinner people. I hate that. It needs to stop! Everyone is who they are for a reason! I'm not here to stir up the pot or to shame other people....I just feel that every woman is beautiful for who they are and we need to stop with all the negativity that's flying around.

"No amount of physical beauty will ever be as valuable as a beautiful heart."

Here's your reminder that you ARE beautiful, no matter what body shape you have! Loving yourself is so important. It's a rough journey, but I promise once you get that mindset, everything else in life becomes so much easier. Be you! Leave your sparkle on the world!


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